The best dentist in Shelbyville, KY


We're a boutique dental studio located in downtown Shelbyville. When you decide to put your oral health into our hands, it immediately becomes our number one priority. We promise to treat you like family. Give us a call to find out how we can help you today!
About Dr. Karem
Dentistry is exciting- and it is extremely exciting to Dr. Grace Karem. She grew up in Shelbyville, graduating from Shelby County High School. She moved on to the University of Kentucky for undergrad before attending the University of Louisville School of Dentistry. She then moved to Nashville for 3 years where she became comfortable working with patients of all ages, including children as young as the age of 3! When Dr. Karem is not in the office, you can find her exploring the outdoors and hanging out with her family. She strives to be the best dentist she can be and is constantly learning and trying to stay up to date on the latest in dentistry.
ADA (American Dental Association)
KDA (Kentucky Dental Association)
AACD (American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry)
KAMAP (Kentucky Association of Medical Aesthetic Providers)
AGD (Academy of General Dentistry)

Dental Assistant


Front Desk


Become a Karem Dental & Aesthetics Member!
While we do take certain insurances, we know that dealing with them can be a pain! So, if you're tired of dealing with insurance- we get it! Ask us about our membership plan. No premiums, no waiting periods, no co-pays, no confusion, and no stress
We have two types of plans to offer- one for patients who need to maintain, and another for those patients who may need a little more comprehensive care
2 cleanings
2 exams
All associated xrays
20% off of all treatment*
*excluding injectables
2 cleanings
2 exams
All associated xrays
1 emergency exam and associated xrays
20% off of all treatment*
*excluding injectables

Want to know more about Karem Dental & Aesthetics and what we can do for you? Contact us!

Our Address
Our Hours
627 Washington St.
Shelbyville, KY 40065
Telephone: 502-633-3735
FAX: 502-633-3737
Email: admin@karemdental.com
Monday 8:30-5:30
Tuesday 7:15-6:15
Thursday 8:30-4:30
Friday 7:15-1:15

Once you make an appointment, our office will text you some forms needed before we see you. Please fill them out if you have access
We look forward to seeing you!
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